that means it's all within /Users/username/Library (program preferences.

you'll likely see the problem isnt' there. check settings->plugins and delete any plugins. I'M RELATIVELY SURE GOOGLE CORPORATION IS SPREADING THE VIRUS, because it always comes from random google ads embedded in web sites: and google has the "motive" to ruin apple's business - they are a foreign competitor. I regularly get Player.dmg in my Downloads folder WITHOUT asking for any such thing (it doesn't install because i have installs turned off). (your flash update is in Mojave - never ever update safari unless the plug-in is found on or app store). There is an internet wide attack on apple (Player.dmg) which claims to be "an adobe flash update" which of course is a virus. Make sure you tell safari NOT to install any plug-ins. Make sure you have "accept only apps from app store" set in settings. it's main intent is likely to harass apple users and ruin it's value rather than do actual damage. for a flash and that seems to be in Israel.