In 2017 Google announced first-class support for Android and since 2019, Kotlin became a prefered language for this platform.

Worked on since 2011 and premiered in 2016 as an alternative to Java, it is a free-to-use environment that allows developers to functional programming principles, as well as object-oriented constructs. Kotlin programming language is an open-source technology used mostly for native Android mobile development, but not only. Let’s see what Kotlin exactly is and how it works. Have your Android app developed with Kotlin!.That’s why creating mobile products for it might be a little bit more complicated – especially when it comes to quality assurance. Unlike Apple’s iOS, Android is available in thousands of devices produced by different brands. This mobile operating system is highly appreciated in Europe. Now it’s time for Kotlin programming language – a native environment dedicated to developing Android apps. This guide was originally put together by Kirk Saviour as referenced on this thread.We’ve been discussing native iOS technology like Swift and cross-platform frameworks like Flutter or React Native on our blog already. To create new Android Kotlin activity, Go to File -> New-> Kotlin Activity.

Starting from Kotlin version 1.0.2, action to create new activity in Kotlin has been added. Mutable variable: var x = 5 // `Int` type is inferredįunction having two Int parameters with Int return type: fun sum ( a : Int, b : Int ) : Int Val c : Int // Type required when no initializer is providedĬ = 1 // definite assignment int a = 1 int b = 1 int c c = 1 Syntax Crash Course VariablesĪssign-once (read-only) local variable: val a : Int = 1 val b = 1 // `Int` type is inferred Take a look at this cheatsheet and quick reference.

Since the goal of Kotlin was for use in improving their products, it focuses very strongly on interop with Java code and the Java standard library. The language was created in response to limitations in Java which were hindering development of JetBrains' software products and after an evaluation of all other JVM languages proved unsuitable. Kotlin is purposely built for large scale software projects to improve upon Java with a focus on readability, correctness, and developer productivity. Kotlin is a language by JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ IDEA, which Android Studio is based on, and other developer tools.